LYNX for airports

LYNX is a complete software solution for the management of devices in large networks. LYNX is the result of the continued development of a general-purpose SCADA system able to address devices in many operational domains.
Thanks to its modular client/server architecture and its evolutionary Open-Source SQL database, a LYNX system can be easily upgraded to account for network evolution and manage new generations of equipments.
LYNX for Airport is a SCADA application manufactured by Gillam, that delivers real-time visibility, monitoring and control over industrial systems and processes. LYNX for Airport contains specific functionalities to provide a dedicated solution to the unique needs of this sector.
- Multi-techniques supervision (electricity, lighting, industrial process, …) provides technique-oriented management tools.
- Network Management: interactive geographical maps of networks (countries down to buildings) with topological and GIS information.
- Management of equipments manufactured by Gillam as well as third party devices.
- Detailedgraphical views of managed equipments with dynamic information.
- Extensive Fault management with comprehensive filtering and alarm prioritisation.
- Modular and evolving architecture
- MV loop management
- Power and Energy management
- Load shedding/unshedding
- UPS and groups management
- LV electrical automatisms
- Lighting management
- Energy savings
- Billing applications
- Supervision of industrial process
- Maintenance
- Airport remote control